Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vermont Book List

vermont state flag

We will be studying Vermont in science and social studies which includes a lot of reading. Our classroom is lacking in books set in Vermont, so I'm putting in a request for parent support. Below, I've created links to Vermont book lists. Any book donations would be greatly appreciated by the whole class. Thank you!

Elementary Books- K-4
Middle School- Grades 4-8
Picture Books
Nonfiction Books

February Student of the Month

Student of the Month Celebration: Wednesday, March 6 at 8:30 am

Level I: Fact Fluency on Multiples 0-5

  • Ann Badger
  • Victoria Blaney
  • Nicole Cunningham
  • Dakota Dunakin
  • Jada Jones
  • Zach Longley
  • James Lugo
  • Jordan Mellnitz
  • Rileigh Steinhour
Level II: Fact Fluency on Multiples 6-10
  • Victoria Blaney
  • Nicole Cunningham
  • Zach Longley
  • Samantha Ryea
  • Rileigh Steinhour

Monday, February 18, 2013


Papers are coming home! As I continue to sift through materials from Mrs. Allen's classroom, I am finding more and more papers to send home. Several lovely students will be helping pass back papers on Tuesday. Most of these papers were graded by Mrs. Allen. I'm just returning them home so you have more information about the work completed before Christmas break. Check PowerSchool for information about current assignments and grade information.

We will continue our work with fractions and measurement in math, and we'll be starting our Vermont ecology unit after break.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Science Links

I've found a couple great science websites and posted the links below. Check them out!